Obveščamo vas, da je razstavni salon v Ljubljani danes, 16. 1. 2023, zaradi vremenskih razmer zaprt.

Wooden blinds

The most natural indoor shade.

Create a natural warmth of home with wooden interior blinds. Wooden blinds are among the most elegant shades. Natural beauty of wood and its warmth, in addition to its appearance, have a beneficial effect on our well-being. Different types of wooden slats in different color shades allow you to adjust the visibility and light by your desire.

Light regulation.
Feel the warmth of nature.

With a large selection of different types of wood, wooden blinds provide us with natural warmth in our home. It is also possible to install blinds on non-standard windows. With their elegant and compact retro design they have become an excellent decorative element. By pulling the string or turning the wooden stick, the light can be regulated by rotating the slats.

The one for you.
Different types of wood. Choose yours.

Wooden blinds are suitable for both private and commercial premises. A rich collection of slats makes it possible to combine with all types of furniture. You can choose from different types of wood and its processing – from laminated wood, high gloss to exotic appearance. In our salon in Novo mesto or Ljubljana you can choose the right shade for your ambient.

From close up.

Different final parts

String endings from different wood.

Hand operation

Operation of wooden blinds with string and swivel wire.

Two sizes of wooden blinds

The individual slats of smaller blinds are 25 mm wide and of larger 50 mm wide.

Irregular shapes

For irregularly shaped windows.

Technical information.

max. width: 270 mm
max. height: 250 mm

Template is not defined.
Data is collected at the company’s headquarters or upon purchase of the product.
Template is not defined.

– (+386) 7 39 30 932 (NM: Mon-Fri: 7-16 h, Sat: 8-12 h | LJ: Mon-Fri: 9-16 h)
Showrooms Novo mesto (Podbevškova ulica 31), Ljubljana (Celovška cesta 147B).


Visit us at our showrooms in Novo mesto or in Ljubljana.


We offer measurement and installation for all our products.

Kateri način odpiranja pliseja izbrati?

Od zgoraj navzdol

– Profil pliseja se fiksira na steklitveno letvico na zgornji strani okna.
– Odpiranje pliseja s potegom navzdol.

Od spodaj navzgor

– Profil pliseja se fiksira na steklitveno letvico na spodnji strani okna.
– Odpiranje pliseja s potegom navzgor.


– Prosojne tkanine, ki namesto z vzorcem osvežijo prostor s svojo enobarvnostjo.
– Enostaven, vendar eleganten pogled.
– Prepuščajo veliko mero svetlobe.

Dimenzije roloja

Širina roloja
Višina roloja